Understanding your journey. Charting the road ahead.

Context is key

Our approach is grounded in our clients’ unique journeys, and understanding of how personal and organizational histories, assets, and strengths, current reality, aspirations, and concrete, practical pathways to address challenges and discover opportunities. Our work is grounded in the history, culture, aspirations, and potential of the initiatives we support. We immerse ourselves in your context and goals.

Systems matter

Impact initiatives play out in complex systems. We design with a broad view of the system in which you operate.

Appreciative inquiry, growth, and learning

We are appreciative, imagine possibilities, build from strength, approach our work with a growth, learning mindset.

Participation, inclusion, respect for all voices

Effective change depends on who is at the table—whose voices are included, heard, and valued. We foster deep and broad participation and value all voices.

Developmental approach

Organizations, like people and nature, are always evolving, changing, and developing. We base our work on developmental principles and custom-design programs that align with the stage of development of your venture, funds, or program, and use that starting point to open new possibilities.

Transparency, accountability, results.

We co-design programs, projects, and services in full transparency and are accountable for processes and results.

Let’s collaborate!

Do you want to explore how we might work together?